
光影筆記本55/Whale Rider

I went to this film because I've liked its poster and actually had a postcard of it on my wall for a few months. It did make me rethink about beliefs and heritages. (There're of course reasons for passing them on. And it's usually difficult to shape them even a little to fit in to the current era..) I don't really understand enough to really discuss about what the film tries to deal with though. :(

But i had a great day.


Liam Whitman said...

i like the music played on your blog,

--Sigur Ros---

Anonymous said...

fantastic! i'm actually going to see them again in London this March!!!!! (a sold-out concert!!)

Can't wait!!!!! Sigur Ros rule!!!

I never know what kind of music you're into, tell me a little?

You know what Ivan was just on about coming to England for a music festival in the summer, do you want to come too with your sweetheart??