
光影筆記本56/Brokeback Mountain

I wish I could understand what Ennis and Jack were talking about in the film...(good to know C didn't understand them totally either)
I wish I were a better reviewer, but I'm not, so I quote this from The Guardian:

'Brokeback Mountain is the story of how most of our lives, gay and straight, are defined by one moment in which things go gloriously and naturally right, when everything falls into place, but which is then infected by the bacilli of wrongness. Ennis and Jack, flawed as they are, do their best to resist the encroachment of that infection; they fight not just against bigotry, but dullness and mediocrity. Their story is not tragic, but heroic.' (click me to read the whole review)

Well, try not to dislike the metaphors used in that quote: 'the bacilli of wrongness' and 'the encroachment of that infection'. Being in love can feel like illness at times. Oh, well, this film, to me, is about suppression; the pain is there, because they compromise. Not all could happily love, though.

I can't quite tell why they love each other tho. But, love is beyond reason, uh?!

This film also gives the audience a chance to rethink about whom they truly love. They probably all cried because they suddenly realised they long lost the ability to love like Ennis and Jack in the film, or because their old wounds fiercely throbbed again, never healed, probably never ever will.

Excellent acting and gorgeous scenery...


Wanchen said...
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Wanchen said...

Sorry I got your mail late...

Love disappares sometimes at the moment when we try to think about "why" we love.

impermissible wanyü said...

and it's easy to use an outsider's 'objective' pov to analyse things like 'why love', i suppose..

Anonymous said...

我本來對李安的電影沒有甚麼特別的瘋狂, 尤其他的臥虎藏龍, 真的覺得是overrated. 不過, 看完他的brokeback後, 頭皮一直在發麻到不行. 有幾幕, 我已是覺得非常的經典了. 而且非常內斂式地壓抑. 痛. 沉默卻清清楚楚地蔓延著...

我看電影時總是非常任性的. 也應該是要任性的. 好的電影無須太多的分析或討論, 它是會像一把刀, 直接就切入心臟. 離場的時候很多人都淚眼滿眶. 無論是同志或非同志. 我想大家都想起, 那些我們以為不會再想念的曾經. 那些我們以為不愛了或可以釋懷的選擇. 其實從來誰也沒有離開. 只是暫時被鎖上了...