
環保意識/Report sounds warning over aircraft pollution

The following is from today's Guardian

Report sounds warning over aircraft pollution

Staff and agenciesWednesday September 21, 2005

Pollution from aircraft is set to grow so rapidly that all homeowners, car drivers and businesses will have to reduce their carbon dioxide output to zero for levels to remain safe, a new study warned today.

The study, carried out by the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, says that even if the growth in air travel were halved, the rest of the economy would need to cut greenhouse gas emissions far beyond the government's target of 60% by 2050.

(For the full article, please click here.)



Anonymous said...



impermissible wanyü said...

hiya shuyu,
thanks for leaving me a message!
How are you? Are you now back in Taipei??

I read your blog too--really nice contents! Keep writing!

Hmm, shall I buy my ticket to Barcelona... very very difficult to decide...

Anyway, take care and keep in mind that there's only one earth.

Anonymous said...

dear wanyu,
其實我一直都在看你的網站噢-新聞台和新舊blog都是. 很佩服能持續書寫的bloggers. 我雖開了台卻常不知該寫什麼, 有時好不容易有了靈感, 文字在腦中盤桓一陣, 下筆之際又全沒了, 實在是...

Barcelona!當然要去! 你下次返台總還是要搭機的吧(苦笑).

impermissible wanyü said...



很開心我們還這樣保持聯繫! :-)