

Thanks to J!! I was almost gonna miss this film called 'little fish'. I guess it had some sort of healing effect, I mean, I was (or both me and J) were having a bad day, sad or upset or annoyed or whatever, while the weather was suddenly so bloody wet, like our feet. Anywayanyway. In the film every one is so deadly stuck in their muddy troubles or haunting past problems sneaking back to destroy them yet again, sadly no one's there to provide solutions, little fish swim on their own, live or die, starve or survive; however, to look at their shit once again they've only found out that they have grown stronger (or maybe I should say Trace is the only one with the strength to fight back or remain controlled and clear-minded, well, not totally) and their friendly tie between one another has become tighter too.
I think I like this poster....
It's almost like a thriller to me because emotions are portrayed in a realistic way, life is shit but you just got to live on, and there might be hope... it seems not to carry profound messages, but at the same time it could be thought-provoking, to me, yes.

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